it's a collection of my writings, basically my point of view on the world and issues facing humanity. some of the content might be upsetting in nature but the truth sometimes has a bitter taste to it. thus the reason for the creation of pink clouds on whi
Published on October 31, 2004 By the-bug In Welcome
hi people, i call myself the bug for some reason, probably coz am seen or perceived as being one. even though am tempted to say i do leave the world in peace, i mean am not here to harass people or hurt tem in anyway even if do it at times; everyone of us do it at some point. we are not really huma to start with, we are still to become such, we left our caves some 15,000 years ago whatever you believers might believe i think at some point in time we have to stop and ask ourselves if we are right or are we just doing things blindly. i was brought up in a very conservative and religious family and what i learnt from that is that at most times we are scared to ask ourselves the important questions for the sake of religious guilt. we are scared of the wrath of god and so the reason for our fear coz believe it or not the main grap that all religions have on us is due to our fear. its that same fear of the natural calamities that drove our ancestors to consider such explanations for those events. enough said the rest later.
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